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Akshat Dodhiya
Hello, I am a student who loves to learn about technology and programming languages.π
I am currently learning Python programming language and wandering about Java too.✌π»
In this blog, I will show you the amazing and cool programs of both Java and Python.
Along with the most important thing, source codeπ
<i class="fa fa-cog"></i> Features
__Java Programs
___Number Programs
____Total days completed
____Sum of 5 numbers game
___Array Programs
____Replace element of array
__Python Programs
___Pro Grammar
___Stay Healthy Program
___Snake Water Gun Game
___Guess the number game
_Total days completed
_Stay Healthy Program
_Pro Grammar
“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.” - Stephen Hawking
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snake water gun game
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YouTube Video Trimmer and Downloader
YouTube Trimmer and Downloader Introduction: A GUI (graphical user interface) based YouTube video downloader and trimmer. ...
Snake-Water-Gun Game
Hello Everyone, I have made a console game popularly called The Snake - Water - Gun game. I have used python programming language to c...
Guess the number game
Hello Everyone, I have created a python program of guessing the number game. In this program, the user has to guess the number randomly g...
Total days completed after new year calculation
Hello Everyone, I have created a Java program that calculates the total number of days completed after the new year for that specific ye...
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