Akshat Dodhiya

Hello, I am a student who loves to learn about technology and programming languages.😊

I am currently learning Python programming language and wandering about Java too.✌🏻

In this blog, I will show you the amazing and cool programs of both Java and Python.
Along with the most important thing, source codeπŸ˜ƒ

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Pro Grammar - Improve your grammar

 Pro Grammar

An app developed by Akshat Dodhiya. This app can significantly improve your grammar and spelling in the English language. Hene the name Pro Grammar, because it makes you a pro in grammar.

This app randomly picks spellings from the internet and then speaks each and every spelling for you, you just have to write it and after all the spellings have been completed you can check the original spellings of the words with the ones which you've written. It also have features of reading again, which will read the spelling again for you in case you didn't understand in the first go. You can go to the previous word if you've got a doubt about your written spelling. You can quit the app there or can go ahead. After you've completed all the spellings and checking them displayed on the screen, you get an option to restart or quit the app.

Just give it a try you'll love it.

Some technical information for geeks:

This app is made in Python language using the Tkinter module. Some special links are provided at the bottom of the app, you must check it out too :). You can view the source code of this app by clicking here.


If you liked the app and want to install or see the source code of this app then visit my Github profile.

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