Akshat Dodhiya

Hello, I am a student who loves to learn about technology and programming languages.😊

I am currently learning Python programming language and wandering about Java too.✌🏻

In this blog, I will show you the amazing and cool programs of both Java and Python.
Along with the most important thing, source codeπŸ˜ƒ

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Guess the number game

Hello Everyone,

I have created a python program of guessing the number game. In this program, the user has to guess the number randomly generated by the computer between 0 to 10 in three chances.

This is a very basic game and the code is written in such a simple way that any beginner can understand it so as to learn Python in a unique way.

Note: To generate random numbers, Python's Built-in Module 'random' is used.


Note: These Screenshots are taken from Pycharm IDE(Integration Development Environment), your output may differ in the background depending upon the editor/IDE you have used to execute the code.

Source code:


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